Privacy Policy

The Information We Collect

 First Name

  • Last Name
  • Your Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone Number
  • Details of the method by which you wish to pay for the goods

Registering with Amanababy allows you to purchase our products and access the services being offered. The Information that we collect are: - We collect personal information to allow us to process and fulfil your orders.

Email addresses or telephone numbers collected allow us to contact you urgently if there is a problem with an order. Your information may also be provided to our third party service providers to complete the fulfilment of your order.


By registering with or becoming a customer of Amanababy and by providing us with your email address, phone number and postal address you consent to receive communication in relation to our products, services and special offers that you may be interested in. This will usually be in the format of a newsletter. The information provided may also be used to communicate offers and products of third parties which you may be interested in. Amanababy can opt out of receiving marketing material sent by us or/and by third parties. To do this you can visit your account page by logging in and making the necessary changes. Newsletter subscribers can opt out by notifying us through email or by post.


Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information; they only enable us to store items in your Shopping Basket between visits. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser to prevent that. Even without a cookie, you can still use most of the features in our store, including placing items in your Shopping Basket and purchasing them.

Stored Information & Security

Amanababy takes the security of your personal details extremely seriously. Security policies are designed to protect the personal details under our control. The Information that we have collected from you is maintained in a secure web server, which we believe to be a well protected and secure environment.

Amanababy does not keep or store customers’ financial information.

User Access

Username and passwords are provided to you as a customer of Amanababy. This allows you private access to information that we are holding, like the account information. You are able to access your online account anytime, anywhere. If you wish to update, amend or delete any details, the online account gives you this access. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you are also entitled to view any information we hold on you by paying a small fee. If any information on you is incorrect, please inform us immediately and we will make the necessary changes and contact you with confirmation of the changes.

Third Parties

We will not pass or sell your information to our third party companies without your prior consent. Links to any third parties are provided to help and improve the service that we provide, however we have no control over the content of these websites and are not responsible for any material which may offend you. We will do our best to ensure that only relevant and quality links are provided.


By becoming a customer of Amanababy online you consent to the collection and use by Amanababy online in the methods previously outlined.


You have a right to access the personal data that we hold on you. If you would like to see a copy please send a written request to Data Protection Management, Amanababy Ltd, 124 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX  marking the envelope "Security and Privacy Enquiries". If you think the information we hold on you is incorrect please contact Data Protection Management quoting "Security and Privacy Enquiries".

Legal Entity

Millsons Of London Ltd is a company incoporated in the United Kingdom.
Company Registration Number: 14562855 Registered Address: 124 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX 



Having been active in the industry since the 1980s, the founders of this brand contribute a rich reservoir of knowledge and expertise. Collaborating with a British design house of industry experts with over 45 years of collective experience, they have meticulously crafted a brand that showcases affordable luxury.

What we stand for

Amanah, meaning trust, embodies the shared responsibility of nurturing children for the benefit of humanity. Amana's mission is to craft stylish and functional products that support great parenting.

Our ethos

We want to enable the highest level of care for babies by providing the most useful and thoughtfully designed products. We want parents to be the best parents they can possibly be (and look their best doing it).

From conception to reality

Great things don't happen overnight. Creating products that can rival the most expensive luxury brands yet still remain affordable for the average parent was a challenge - but one that we thrived in.

Years in the making, for all the years ahead

Amana is the collective brainchild of industry experts, parents, and a contemporary British design house - a team united in the vision to create amazing baby products that elevate the parenting experience.

One baby step at a time

Every product we offer is the outcome of time, effort, and painstaking attention to detail. Each is designed and tested (and redesigned and retested) until we are certain that it is safe, effective, durable, and will be a delight to use for every parent and every child.